
Emmi Kobienia: an internship abroad in Malta

June 01, 2023
  • Emmi's exciting time in Malta with a partner company of Fritz Winter has enriched her both professionally and personally. Dive into Emmi's adventure.

Hi, I'm Emmi, 21 years old, and am currently in the third year of my apprenticeship as an industrial clerk. I would like to tell you today about my exciting time in Malta:

In cooperation with "Erasmus" this four-week stay in Malta was possible. On site, I worked in the HR department of the Retail International Group, where I was mainly responsible for processing incoming applications and maintaining personnel data in various systems.

But besides work, I also had a lot of time to discover the beauty of Malta. During my stay, I lived in an apartment with other interns from different countries, which gave me the opportunity to develop my language skills outside of work. I was particularly impressed by the many bays in Malta, which I explored on numerous boat trips.

In retrospect, my internship abroad was an incredibly valuable experience in which I was able to advance my personal development.

I am grateful for this experience and can only really recommend it to anyone who has the opportunity to complete an internship abroad. It really is worth it!

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